Hebrews 13:6
So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”

Uncertainty, stress, anxiety, and fear can overtake you. We live in a world that provokes these feelings. What are some of the situations that trigger our unrest? Illness (Covid ?), fear of war (the situation in Ukraine ?), even fear of crowded places (think of the violence that can and has occurred when crowd mentality takes over). There's much fear and uncertainty in the world right now. Are you wondering if things will ever get better, or if life will ever return to normal? You may have many reasons to be afraid, but there's a vaccine to that fear. There's hope for your situation. That vaccine is what we celebrate today, the resurrection of Jesus Christ that gives us hope for a better tomorrow.

How can we be confident in what happens today? What is our assurance for tomorrow? Where do we muster excitement about eternity? The Lord is our helper! Fear will not be our master because our future, our destiny, our eternity rest in the hands of the eternal Lord. The worst that man can do is to send me home to my Lord.

The point made here is one that's very reasonable, but hard to remember when we're in a crisis. If the Creator of the universe, the one true God, says you are cared for, then what possible reason would we have to fear circumstances on earth? The hardest part is remembering God’s power. I start looking around at the power of man, and then I start to get afraid. I start to think of all the things that people could do to me, might say about me, might think of me. I’m sorry to say that it’s rare indeed that I say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”

Faith sees what can’t be seen. It sees God’s power, God’s presence, and God’s provision,; and it takes refuge in God. May this be your Easter gift.


Almighty God, my Redeemer and my helper, I 
place my trust in you. As the Alpha and Omega, I 
trust you for all of my tomorrows and place my trust 
and dependence in you for today. In Jesus' name I 
praise you. Amen.