Psalm 118:4
Let those who fear the LORD say, “His steadfast love endures forever.

Being raised in an agnostic household while being heavily influenced by a grandmother who brought me to an ultra conservative if not unconventional church (meets most of the cult markers) I ended up not so much to fear God But to be very confused. During my own journey towards faith and a relationship with God this passage and others like it would not sit well with me. It was only after reading a translation that the word fear was replaced with respect did I understand and begin to find comfort. I wasn’t looking for a God to fear as in to be frightened of, the world is scary enough. I need God to take comfort in, and that is how my journey has brought me to Him. I have found a Lord who has taught me that because His love endures forever He is always with me, Even when my humanness and Sin bring me far from His wish for us as His creation. God’s love endures…endures!!! I have thought about that word a lot since preparing to write this devotional looking back I really only ever had to endure is this pandemic is probably one of the only things I can think of. I have had rough seasons in my life but nothing that I would ever say I had to endure. I know I have been blessed. Through all trials and blessings in my life I have felt God’s presence and perhaps that is how his love endures… Being there for us when we have things to be grateful for and the times that the sin of the world pushes us away from the creation God wants us to be. 


Dear God, Thank you for your everlasting and 
faithful love. Be with us in our Lenten journey as we 
are reminded every day how your love endures for